Carl Harshman
Founder of Carl L Harshman & Associates
Carl Harshman, known to his teachers as Leonard, and his friends as Butch, grew up in Tawawa, Ohio, and graduated from Fairlawn High School in 1961. After graduation, he attended Ohio State where he earned a bachelor of arts degree in psychology, and served two terms as president of his fraternity.
After finishing his PhD degree in 1972, he went to Saint Louis University where during a ten-year period, he served as director of academic planning, and later as dean of metropolitan college, an undergraduate college for adult learners. During that period, Dr. Harshman rose to the rank of full professor. While dean of the college, Carl produced and hosted a public service television program called The World of Ideas for the local ABC affiliate.
In search of new challenges and broader experiences, he left the university in 1982 to found a consulting firm, Carl L. Harshman & Associates. His firm, headquartered in St. Louis, focuses on changing the culture of the American workplace. Currently, his firm helps Fortune 500 companies create leadership development strategies for the 21st century.
Carl and his colleagues have worked with companies such as Ford Motor, John Deere, General Dynamics, Goodyear, Boeing, and Anheuser-Busch over the past two decades. Their public sector clients included the United States Navy and the State of Washington.
Carl has spoken and presented papers at a number of international and professional meetings and has published over twenty professional papers. The latest, a series co-authored with his wife Ellen, focus on leadership and ethics in business. The initial paper in this series received the first Dean’s Award for Best Paper by the International Conference Promoting Business Ethic.
Carl is the senior author on four books on organizational change, transformation, teams, and team leadership, and is the primary contributor to a video titled, Troubled Partnerships: When Labor and Management Can’t Make It Work.
Carl’s primary avocation is the study of native culture and traditions. His personal study and development have led him to work on a new book, which seeks to bridge the knowledge, principles, and practices of first peoples to the modern workplace.
You may reach Carl through Email or by Contacting Corporate Adventure®.
Our Team / Meredith Kimbell
Steve Lishansky
Al Bhatt
Heather Kaye
Bill Thomas